The Bnei Dan Playground

What began as a planned renovation of an outdated playground transformed into creating the city’s first multi-aged park, designed to inspire exploration and learning through play. This innovative playground integrates sand, water, and varied topography, offering a unique and engaging experience for visitors of all ages. The project was shaped by a public engagement process that gave neighborhood residents a voice in key planning decisions. Extensive collaboration among municipal departments enabled effective resource pooling, turning this ambitious vision into a groundbreaking urban space.

We saw the planned renovation of an old playground as an opportunity to implement Urban95’s vision of adapting public spaces for young children and their caregivers. The project’s scale and scope provided the perfect foundation for designing an innovative playground that encourages creativity and skill development in toddlers and children.

While considerable attention was naturally given to selecting and positioning the play equipment - using diverse materials to promote development - observations revealed that children spend relatively little time on the equipment itself. Instead, much of their visit is devoted to free play, exploration, and discovery throughout the space, including areas like benches, shrubs, and water fountains. Guided by this understanding, we adopted a holistic approach to the playground’s design, leveraging the full range of developmental and learning opportunities within the space, transforming the entire space into a dynamic environment that promotes play, exploration, parent-child bonding, and community interaction.

Public engagement is vital for understanding and addressing the neighborhood residents’ needs. In this case, it was especially important as the development of a unique playground featuring sand and water play had the potential to raise concerns. Securing community approval before proceeding not only helped address these potential objections but also generated strong support for the innovative design, which was under the responsibility of the Ganei Yehoshua municipal corporation.

To involve residents in the planning process, they were invited to share their needs and preferences and choose the play equipment that was going to be installed. The response was remarkable, with 750 participants completing a detailed survey. The survey presented various equipment options along with accessible insights from child development experts, including diagrams and explanations of how each item could support children’s development through play. While residents were enthusiastic about the sand and water features, they also highlighted additional priorities: a multi-aged park that caters to both toddlers and older children, strategically placed equipment for easy supervision by caregivers, more benches and shaded areas, a safety fence, and measures to slow cyclists near the playground. Open communication with residents was maintained throughout the construction process and they were invited to attend the playground’s grand reopening once the renovations were completed.

Innovation in Sand and Water Playgrounds

>> Changing perceptions among residents: Transforming attitudes about sand and water play from concerns over “dirty clothes” to recognizing it as an activity that encourages exploration and develops various skills. Each piece of equipment was accompanied by an explanation of its benefits for users, such as the importance of working with sand for early childhood development.

>> Changing perceptions regarding municipal maintenance and operations: The municipal operations and maintenance teams adapted their methods to meet the unique requirements of the playground and ensure the safety and health of the children using it.


Participating municipal units: The Community, Culture, and Sports Administration; the City Beautification Department.

(צילום: גיא יחיאלי)


  • Creating developmental opportunities for children of various ages in an environment that promotes play and exploration. For example, the 40 cm-high sand mound (designed according to safety standards) has become one of the playground’s most popular features.
  • Local residents express high satisfaction with the playground, which has been specifically tailored to their needs.
  • The playground has become an attractive destination, drawing visitors from distant neighborhoods.
  • The playground has served as a prototype for other playgrounds renovated across the city.
  • The project has inspired other municipalities in Israel, which have taken note of its success and are now considering how to implement this innovative approach and public engagement process in other urban spaces.

What we learned along the way

  • The project’s multidisciplinary approach (focusing on early childhood, public engagement processes, innovation, and coordination with city departments) added significant value to the process and the quality of the playground’s construction.
  • Engaging local residents in a non-standard process led to high satisfaction and cooperation and minimized opposition.
  • Optimal collaboration with partners led to creative solutions. For example, safety standards required us to install a fence in a way that interrupted the continuity of play between the playground equipment and the nearby lawn. To bridge the gap between our vision of free play and the safety regulations, we engaged the professional team from the Israel Standards Institute. We toured the playground together and developed an alternative fencing solution that maintained both the playfulness and safety of the space.
  • Familiarity with other municipal projects helped us identify an opportunity in a project planned by a different municipal department, allowing us to pool resources for improving the public space for young children and their caregivers.
  • Creative placement of equipment from a catalog. Part of the innovation involved the strategic layout of the equipment across the playground (sand for toddlers and rubber for older children). By choosing to use existing equipment, we were able to expedite the renovation process while ensuring that both the design and safety standards were maintained.
(צילום: גיא יחיאלי)

The project was created and operated in partnership with