משחקוטו - פעילות משחק משותף להורים ולילדים במרחב הציבורי

פעילות ניידת המופעלת במרחב הציבורי, מעודדת משחק חופשי ויצירתי לילדים ולמלוויהם.

We wanted to improve the play experience for toddlers throughout the city by providing opportunities for open-ended play that are age-appropriate and close to home. We quickly realized that reaching a large number of users in a short time would require a tactical solution - one that is high-quality, accessible, easy to implement, and low-cost.

We created a play kit that inspires creative, imaginative play for children of all ages and the adults accompanying them. We arrive in the neighborhood with our Play-Car in an area not specifically designated for young children and set up the entire activity on-site, complete with a play mat and various game components. A team of guides who speak the residents’ language (e.g., Hebrew, Arabic, Amharic) leads the activity, encouraging caregivers to join in and explore the wide range of play options the kit offers.

Why open-ended play?

Dedicated playgrounds with fixed equipment tend to dictate a familiar and structured style of play. In contrast, open-ended play offers many creative possibilities. It encourages the use of the imagination, creating new and surprising experiences for both children and their caregivers. The adults participate out of a genuine desire to play and discover new things together with the children.

Caregivers play a key role in helping children navigate their play experiences - understanding emotions and feelings that arise, such as uncertainty or the joy of achievement. That is why we set out to create an activity that fosters a fun, shared play experience and one that could easily continue at home.

Partnering municipal units:

The Community, Culture, and Sports Administration


A small public park that is not a designated playground.

משך פעילות

Two hours, seasonal.

מספר משתתפים

About 60 children and their caregivers in each activity

מתאים לגילים

Ages 2-8 accompanied by an adult

רכיבי עלות

*Development: planning and creating the kit with a content provider *Operation: professional facilitators, mobilizing the kit

תחזוקה נדרשת

* Preparing the public space in terms of accessibility, safety, and user comfort.


  • Developing emotional and cognitive skills through play.
  • Encouraging child-adult play.
  • Increasing community gatherings and reaching residents who do not frequently participate in municipal activities.
  • Revitalizing public spaces: Creating a meaningful focal point in the urban environment that encourages play in new places.
  • Strengthening community-municipality relations through unique activities that support toddler development, provided by the municipality in the neighborhood at no cost.
משחקוטו (4)

דברים שלמדנו בדרך

  • Adapting the activities to the unique needs of each community - by mapping specific requirements we were able to tailor the activities for each area, involving a local parenting coach and team of guides who speak the residents’ languages.
  • Using community-based marketing tools led to a strong turnout.
  • Collaborating with municipal field teams - close coordination with municipal officials helped us select the ideal locations and times for setting up the activity, ensuring the best fit for residents.
  • Streamlined logistics – selecting an activity that is easy to set up, operate, and pack up.
  • Appropriate environmental conditions - we selected spacious, shaded areas to create a welcoming and pleasant setting.

הפרויקט נוצר והופעל בשותפות עם